Children in low-opportunity neighborhoods have more health care visits

Researchers use the Child Opportunity Index to link neighborhood opportunity and pediatric care use
Published: 07.31.2018 Updated: 11.21.2022

Researchers from the University of California San Francisco recently published a new study titled "Neighborhood Child Opportunity and Individual-Level Pediatric Care Use and Diagnoses," in Pediatrics. It is the study the first to examine the association between child neighborhood opportunity and individual-level pediatric care use. The cross-sectional study of a sample of San Francisco children found that child neighborhood opportunity, measured by the Child Opportunity Index, was significantly associated with frequent acute health care visits and diagnoses, independent of patient characteristics and neighborhood income.  Lead author Dr. Ellen Kersten presents the findings in this video abstract. The study concludes that the Child Opportunity Index could be an effective tool for identifying neighborhood factors other than income that may affect child health.

For more information about the study, contact the lead authorĀ Ellen Kersten, University of California, San Francisco, Department of Psychiatry.

Thestudy was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health (K01 MH097978 and T32 MH018261).